Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Colour Wheel and Design

What is the most important instrument that shapes the atmosphere of a room or interior space? Is it the furniture? Is it the flooring? Some people may be surprised to find out that it is even simpler than a paint brush. When it comes to planning out fantastic interior design the colour wheel is an interior decorator's most important tool. No matter how well decorated or cosy a room may be designed if the colour is uninviting or simply not attractive it can completely off balance the entire space. For most home spaces, every room will possess their own unique colour scheme which reflects the qualities of that room. For example, a living room is typically bright and inviting while a kitchen is typically darker in colour tones to promote closeness and proximity between parties. Bright colours that decorate a child's room or a play room may not be as appropriate in a master bathroom and vice versa.

The colour wheel is made up of six separate and unique archetypes which each have separate impacts upon the interior design and atmosphere of a space: primary colours, secondary colours, tertiary colours, cool colours, warm colours, and whites. Primary colours are made up of what one would assume such as red, yellow, and blue. The secondary colours are the combinations of the primary colours such as purple and green. Cool colours, such as hues of blue and green, as considered to be passive which have an effect of making a room seem larger than it really is; on the other side of that coin are warm colours, such as reds and yellows, which are well suited for living spaces which make them seem much more inviting. Finally, white colours (also known as "neutralizers") are commonly utilized to bring out the brilliance of surrounding colours by providing a contrast and augmentation which can bring vitality to a room that would remain quite plain if it was simply composed of a single solid colour.

When applying this in practice bear in mind that soft and light schemes are set to play an important role in interiors, with considered textural and tonal pairings creating a timeless finish that celebrates intricate details and beautiful materials. Presenting a collection of textured and hand-painted wallpaper designs that featured soft metallic shades and traditional artisan wall finishes that are applied directly to the paper makes good use of this interior design technique. Playing around with luxurious materials through a rich selection of drapes, woven paisleys, liquid velvet fabrics and accessories will assure an appeal to high end interiors.

Interior Desires provide Interior Design in London such as Architectural Interior Design

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